Server Update:
Version: v3.8.3
The banners on SoundCloud, Twitter, YouTube channel, and Planet Minecraft were updated. Thank you Arko Barko for your assistance.
All command block generated particles around spawn was minimized further for better user performance.
When joining the WawaNet Discord server, the 10 minute block from chatting was removed. Thank you for your notice Discord user phlogger
The color island minigame randomized pattern color tiles that was generated through a algorithm was replaced with pre-built patterns and images. This has extensively made the minigame run more smoothly and efficiently. However, the time has increased into 7 seconds due to the increased difficulty of finding colors. But as a bonus, no more ugly random patterns xD. Thank you for your assistance Minecraft user .amondnut and SK__MC.
The old Java & Bedrock anti cheat “Themis” is getting replaced by a better anti cheat that has better support for both versions. From extensive testing with this new replacement, this anticheat won’t create lag for Bedrock players like Themis did.
Minigame Color Island’s height was updated to be 5 blocks higher to allow players to use 3rd person mode more comfortably while in the minigame. Thank you for your suggestions Minecraft user .amondnut.
We have new emojis! And there are more to come! The old emojis were removed and were replaced with the WawaNet logo font alphabet and numbers. There are more emojis to come! Thank you Arko Barko for your assistance.
Multiple small crop houses, sky islands, rafts, cisterns and wells that naturally generate through out the worlds of: Wild, Nether and the End was added. Thank you Minecraft user .amondnut and SK__MC for your recommendations.
The top banner on the WawaNet website has been updated into more newer versions.
The playtime ranks listed in the FAQ of the WawaNet website now display permissions those ranks have. The Paid ranks list now displays the ranks with the statement that they are not yet obtainable.