Server Dev Update

Server Update:
Version: v3.9

All extra unused land outside of the main spawn area map has been completely deleted. This was done to optimize the storage the server has and performance when loading the spawn map. Thank you for your suggestion Minecraft user SK__MC.

All duplication glitches with: all redstone attachments, all rail blocks, all plant types, all under water plant types, signs, strings, trap doors, doors, fence gates, and water were fixed. Thank you Minecraft user SK__MC for the bug report.

Even after days and maybe weeks of researching, there is no way to show the updated smoother movement blocks of the color matching minigame to bedrock players. For the time being, when you play the Color Matching minigame with a bedrock client, the blocks will not show up.

WawaNet Soundtrack: Late Night Work is now on Sound Cloud:

All versions that are able to join the server, were tested to see if they can access the shopkeepers and trade with them. The results were put in the FAQ “Box and custom item/armor upgrade” section. Thank you Community Manager Autumn for your bug report.

The helicopter above Invasion Easy minigame has been turned into blue insted of gray. This change was done because the helicopter looked to much like a military heli.

The WawaNet logo shrinking improperly when scrolling down the website was fixed.

More lighting was added to the spawn of WawaNet. Shaders are recommended to view this change.

More benches were added around the spawn map.

The staff list on the WawaNet website has been updated.

The playground built by Co-Owner Takam in the spawn map is getting replaced by the Daily Mission NPC house/area.

Daily missions has been added to the server. Every day, you’ll get a random list of 3 missions with different difficulties. when you complete them, you’ll get a prize. It will also take 30 seconds to show up in chat. This is to make it more noticeable.