Server Update:
Version: v3.9.1
Commands: /warps, /setwarp, /delwarp, /warp, /mywarps, /mission, /biomechecker /loginstreak, /sit, /lay, /crawl, /sit toggle, /sit playertoggle and /bellyflop were added to the General Commands list in the FAQ on the WawaNet website.
Railings and lanterns were added on the spawn area. More things will be added to make the area look more lively.
Daily login streaks that get reset every week has been finished. Thank you for your suggestion Minecraft user SK__MC.
Helmets and player heads disappearing when put in the helmet slot was fixed. Thank you for the bug report Minecraft player .Amondnut and SK__MC.
Rabbit stew villager trade for daily missions not properly being detected by the program was fixed. Thank you for the bug report Minecraft player SK__MC.
You are now able to put anything into your helmet inventory space with the rank Super OG.
All staff members from Moderator and up now can use the command /hat.
The FAQ section was updated to include the command: /hat for Super OG and all staff members from Moderator and up.
Daily missions area is now fully built and finished.
Visit our website link was added to the welcome message that is given to players when you join the server.
The hallway from the spawn area to the warfareshop was updated. The walls were changed from lime concrete to light blue stained glass with sea lanterns behind them.
The ability to sit on other players were given to playtime ranks Veteran ++ and up.
The FAQ in the WawaNet website and the menu GUI on the server now has the player sitting ability added into the available commands/permissions.
The website notice on the welcome message is now clickable. You can now directly go to the website with this message.
The /biomechecker command was now made clickable when the mission message comes up with /missions.