Server Update:
Version: v3.9.2
The particles around spawn being not shown when your WawaPoint shop particle runs out has been modified to display the spawn particles.
Spelling mistake corrections were made in the FAQ area in the WawaNet Website.
Server partners section has been reintroduced into WawaNet Discord server.
Our long time server partners Aurora is now back. The Indonesian Minecraft server can be joined in the discord channel, aurora. Scott’s server SS Guild has been moved to the channel ss-guild under partners category.
The collect 32 echo shards daily missions was changed into just one after the difficulty level was way to high. Thank you for your suggestion Minecraft user SK__MC.
A new item for the shovel upgrade category has been made. Dirt Muncher is a slight upgrade from the strongest shop shovel upgrade, it has the telepathy enchantment so things you mine automatically move into your inventory. Thank you Minecraft user Fire_e for the suggestion and thank you Minecraft user AkuzaKM for the permission to use your skin.
Autosmelt system has been improved and was updated to be more efficient then before.
The barrack’s roofs in the /warfareshop area has been slightly improved.
The zoglin kill daily mission was changed into just kill a hoglin as the difficulty was way to high for this type of mission. Thank you for your suggestion Minecraft user SK__MC.
The mystery of spawning in floors or in the sky when tping into another world was fixed. It turns out it was a bug with the location save of each world. Thank you for the bug report Minecraft user Fire_e, ReddestPanda and SK__MC.
Using another add-on to the server, better looking holograms with more customization was found. In the coming days, we will work on converting all the old holograms into the new one. Thank you for the suggestionMinecraft player SKMC.